Monday, February 16, 2015


My Voice Matters: LACK OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT: THE CHEW I recently met a young man that was 13 years old. He was an A B student at a local middle school, well dressed, and full of pote...

Thursday, March 27, 2014



I recently met a young man that was 13 years old. He was an A B student at a local middle school, well dressed, and full of potential.  He has a problem with being disruptive in class. He is an active gang member, he sells drugs, and is sexually active. When I asked did he see anything wrong with how he was living his response was a simple,"No".  The student's principal also stated that they have yet to see or meet with the parent of the child and have yet to suspend him due to his behavior and no parental participation.  When threatened with alternative school the student said that he didn't care, he would continue to do what he wants to do there also. PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON TODAYS TOPIC.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Parents.....We must set examples for our children....If all your child sees is drinking, smoking, and nothing positive, then what do you think is the outcome of their life????????  Its not the responsibilitly of the school to raise your child.....its not the responsibitily of the teacher, the guidance counselor, or anyone to else to do your job.....come on lets do two things that match....make a child raise them...not the state but you as the parent........Just a thought

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Friendly Parents.....I tell you these days parents don't know the difference between parenting and friendship.  What can you expect though when you mom is 14, your grandmother is 28, and your great grandmother is 44.  Come on People lets break the generational curse and set examples for our children.